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Wound healing is important not only for the local repair but also for its beneficial effect to systemic physiological processes. When wounds become chronic, individuals are susceptible to generalized inflammatory cascades that can affect many organs and even lead to death. Skin is the most injured tissue, and its proper repair is important for reestablishment of its barrier function.

With a prescription order, a formulation can be compounded to contain the proper combination of active ingredients, in the most appropriate base, to treat a specific type of wound. We customize medications to meet everyone’s specific needs.

For example, the choice of cream, ointment, or gel can be clinically significant. Each time a wound needs to be cleaned, there is the potential for disruption of new tissue growth. Gels, which are more water soluble than creams or ointments, may be preferable for wound use because a gel can be rinsed from the wound by irrigation. Compounding pharmacist(s) can work with practitioners to develop a customized wound care solution that fits the type of wound and helps promote faster healing. Example is the use of AlphaWash™ base. AlpaWash™ base is a unique PEG base that does not contain oleaginous components. It is completely water-washable and greaseless. AlpaWash® contains natural extracts that have been thoroughly studied and can be beneficial in compounded medications prescribed for wound care.

Selection of the base to use in compounding for wound care depends on a careful assessment of several factors, including the following:

  • Desire for a base that is easily removed by washing with water, since the wounds need to be cleaned very often.
  • Desirability of occlusion of moisture from the skin (adherent base), maintaining a moist environment.
  • Stability of the active pharmaceutical ingredients prescribed by the physician for inclusion in the base.

AlpaWash™ provides the best combination of the most desired attributes and brings a solution to healthcare providers for compounded products prescribed for wounds, burns, cuts, sores and ulcers.

How can compounds Help?

We can compound the following among others based on a prescription:

  • Itraconazole 1%, Levofloxacin 2%, Mupirocin 2% Topical Suspension in AlphaWash™
  • Mupirocin 2%, Vancomycin 5% Topical Suspension/Ointment in AlphaWash™
  • Lidocaine 3%, Metronidazole 2%, Phenytoin Na 5% Topical Suspension/Ointment in AlphaWash™ AlphaWash™
  • Misoprostol 0.0024%, Nifedipine 2%, Phenytoin Na 5% Topical Suspension in AlphaWash™
  • Itraconazole 1%, Lidocaine HCL 5%, Metronidazole 2%, Misoprostol 0.0024%, Phenytoin Na 5%, Vancomycin 5% Topical Suspension in AlphaWash™
  • Itraconazole 1%, Lidocaine HCL 5%, Metronidazole 2%, Misoprostol 0.0024%, Phenytoin Na 5%, Sucralfate 2%, Vancomycin 5% Topical Suspension in AlphaWash™
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